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Gold Arts Award...

Life in the hands of kienan naylor!

Introduction to my arts award...

I am a young person who is exploring graffiti culture as far as it will let me!


Through this project I will show you how everything has developed for me and what I get up to within my art. I will show you the different types of projects I have set up and run, who I have met and my passion for this type of art. 


In the video below I talk about what I hope to do for my Arts Award, what graffiti means to me, what I want to learn, how I intend to work, my own attitude to the world of graffitti and who inspires me.


On some of the other pages I have a gallery of most of the work I have done and the story of how I have developed. I have added some of the very best artists in my opinion and include an interview that I set up with the artist Kak. I've gone into more detail about how i think graffiti is seen and what I've personally done to try and change that. Finally, I have done a blog on the project I planned from start to finish to inspire the new generation of graffiti artists! 


Hope you enjoy!


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